Help Desk
We give you 24 hour assistance support.
Your help desk at any time
An application like JD Edwards is part of the catalog of services that IT delivers to the company.
For the user, the service is UN UTILITY.
This implies that the user does not record that it exists until it is interrupted
“It has to be” and any lack brings many problems to the Company.
Service availability is the most important attribute for users, it is defined as: Active real-time / total time.
At our Help Desk, we measure non-availability. The interruption Whenever there is an interruption, an incident is generated (ITIL Methodology).
Incidentes ITIL
The Help Desk focuses on:
Reduce the impact of each incident
- Minimizing the resolution time
- Keeping the user informed to manage their contingency plans
Minimize the number of incidents:
- Analyzing the Problems that Incidents generate
- Making “improvements” to solve the Problems
Service Metrics
- Total number of incidents
- Average repair time. (Mean Time to Repair – MTTR)
- Percentage of incidents resolved in the established repair time
- Total number of pending incidents by type of service
- Percentage of incidents categorized as ProblemsPending issues
- User satisfaction
Availability Management
- Total time interrupted by service (Module)
- Availability by service
What else do we do?
Translating Technology into Business is part of a global concept of materializing all the technological tools
available, to take advantage and pay 100% of the benefits for your ERP JDEdwards system. Below is a list
of all our specialties.
How can we support you today?