CAPEX – Functional migration from EO 8.12 to EO 9.2. to apply the benefits of Digital Transformation with JD Edwards
Customer information and his challenge

Oil and Gas

- Perform Functional Migration of the Oracle JD Edwards management control system from version 8.12 to EnterpriseOne 9.2
Updating of the system at the last level: Tool Release and ESUs: Standard Objects and Argentine Location.
Updating of Legal Requirements Argentina: OVI Quantum.
Replacement of customs by standard functionality EO 9.2.
Reengineering: Roles and Security.
Technological Update.
- Pre-Sale Circuit: Online and transparent update of data between JD Edwards and Axum: Inventories, Sales Orders, Prices, Customers.
- Sales operations Control and transparency, avoiding damages derived from agreements between the carrier and logistics personnel.
- Improved decision-making based on Alerts and Notifications, on critical processes of Dispatch, Travel Settlement, and Collection to the Carrier.
- Greater control of allocation and management of stocks for sales orders – inventory commitments.
- A single source of information is maintained, integrating logistics, financial and accounting processes.
- Quick access to information.
Capex S.A. is an Argentine company, with more than 40 years, dedicated to the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons and to the generation of electrical, thermal, and renewable energy.
It has a solid business platform and a diversified source of income through different areas, which is why, more than 12 years ago, they acquired the Oracle JD Edwards management control system, and implemented the Finance, Distribution, and Manufacture modules.
Solution Detail
In order to acquire the new technology and be able to apply the benefits of the Digital Transformation that Oracle JD Edwards offers in its most recent version, Capex decides to carry out a functional migration process from version EO 8.12 to EO 9.2.
Main challenges of the project:
- Review of the business processes of the commercial area, to include standard functionality that was released in the last releases.
- Improvements were made to the security model, adapting the configuration to the new access requirements by roles and menus.
- The legal resolutions that Oracle JD Edwards released as Argentina’s localizations in the last releases, were implemented.
- Since there was a major leap in versions, special work was done on data conversion, with a focus on updating records and debugging data and transactions.
- Training workshops were held for the 200 users; 100 based in Buenos Aires and 100 in remote regions in the countryside. There were no substantial changes in the business processes, but there were changes in the user interface, so there was good acceptance due to the flexibility of the system to customize the screens.
Main challenges of the project:
- This implementation included a hardware change to be able to adopt the requirements of the new version.
- To automate user authentication through the domain controller, the integration between JD Edwards with LDAP (Lightweight Direct Access Protocol) was carried out.
- The Oracle HTTP Server was installed as a Balancer to better distribute the load in different instances.
- New architecture configuration, which includes the installation of new servers to support the communication protocols: SOAP and REST platforms (Business Server and Orchestrator)
“We couldn’t have done it without our technology partner Quantum Consulting. They are our CNC support and functional support. They were great”
The project was carried out following the directives of the Oracle JD Edwards “Upgrade 100 D” Methodology, applying guidelines that led to the completion of the work on time:
- Replace customs objects with standard functionality.
- Carry out the Retrofitting including technical improvements.
- Comply with test planning methodically: ○ Unit tests.
- Three cycles of Comprehensive Testing.
- Volume and Stress Tests.
- MOCK Trials (Live Start Drill)
- Continuous improvement process applied to Data Migration.
- Post-launch support.
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